We teach that spiritual, mental, and physical nutrition are key to perfect health. We believe and share that one must expect perfect health to attain such and that there is no way out of that.
We also share that eating is spiritual though most think it is physical and that in order to heal all dis-ease one must lighten up the diet to allow more spirit/oxygen/air in the body.
We teach three modalities, the fist is nutrition - based health, the second is clearing meditation and the third is body meditation. In order to truly heal one must perfect all three areas of health, spiritual - how you eat, mental - meditation, and physical - yoga, excercise etc...
Developed the Creation Series which was given to Daooeed YisraEL by YAHWAH or what many would deem as The Divine Universal Forces or God. This is a 32-week course teaching individuals everything they need to know to create any reality that they would like to create.
Certified as an Access Bars Practitioner which is a guided subconscious chakra mediation modality with touch, to induce release of past ingrains 13 levels deep in the subconscious mind
Only you can Heal Yourself is the main philosophy followed and shared with individuals that seek counseling. Which includes: mentally, physically, and spiritually. That means that no Doctor: Allopathic, Ayurvedic or Holistic, Psychiatrist or Psychologist, Guru, Spiritual Leader, Preacher, Spirit Guide etc... can heal you. You are the only one that can heal you and to do that you must have the tools to do so. We have a very specific goal and that is to make sure that those that seek help no longer need us. That when they are complete with our services, they not only feel better but normal again like they did when they were a child.
We understand that everyone is on a breatharian journey, meaning that each person is on a journey to become a spiritual being again. What is a person that is living only on spirit/prana/ The would have to be a true spiritual being! No matter how many lifetimes that it takes for you to get there you are on a breatharian journey. Secondly, we understand that your body is designed to live forever and never die, that physical immortality is possible and will be achieved in the near future. Therefore, we have removed all lower expectations of such and are working to attain this level of ascension and help those that are willing to do so.
We share that there is a time for all modes of healing, yet if you live right and eat food in accordance with your physiology vs drugs that you will not need any healing modality because your body will always remain in the state of perfect health. we also share that all disease is based in nutrition and that until you change what you are putting in your mouth that no medicine, herb or supplement will allow your body to heal.
We Believe that the majority of people are looking for the magic pill not because they want to feel normal again but because they want to do whatever it is that they want to do and get the results as if they did right. YOU CANNOT TRICK NATURE. Medicine, supplements, and herbs did not cause your ailments therefore neither can it solve them. The problem came from what you have and are putting in your mouth, in other words nutrition. It is not about adding but rather removing and lightening up the diet to allow more spirit/oxygen in the body which will allow the body to do what it is supposed to do and heal.
We also share that meditation is mental and is the gateway, that without meditation there is no way that you can attain physical immortality, nor can you obtain complete health. Meditation is the power to control the spirit that the optimal liveit and breatharianism allows into the body.
Clearing meditation is designed to clear the mind of past traumas and body meditation is designed to clear the body of past traumas and allow the spirit and mind back into the body after it has been traumatized allowing one to again feel everything going on in the body and enjoy their physical experiences like they did when they were a child.
Lastly we understand and share that physical excercise and activity is paramount to perfect health and that all forms of excercise including yoga are important and that sweating at least 30 minutes 5 days a week allowing the lymph system to cleanse is essential to make sure that the body is functioning properly.
Utilizing our philosophy we share that you can attain perfect health which is not only feeling better but normal again like you did when you were a child.
Through peace and love all maladies on the earth are healed.
YAHWAH ELOHEEM started teaching Daooeed YisraEL about herbs at the age of 21. Daooeed had chickenpox at that age of 22 which is a very dangerous age to have them and healed himself within one week using strictly herbs and oatmeal.
As he continued to learn about herbs others began to contact him and he started sharing that information with others over the next 25 years for free. In 2016 at the age of 43 Daooeed was blessed with the Creation Series and his students as well as himself were healing diseases and relationships, while simultaneously creating realities out of thin air.
While teaching the Creation Series Daooeed had a heart attack and did not go to the hospital, instead allowed YAHWAH / his body heal itself from the heart attack. Understanding that THE ELOHEEM / THE WHOLE wanted him here he stopped the heart attack with cayenne pepper, immediately went raw as instructed 3 years prior by YAHWAH and immediate bed rest. He could stay awake 2 hours per day, then 4 hours per day, then 6 hours per day, and then 8 hours per day.
This experience moved Daooeed into more world travel and visiting several countries in Africa, including Israel and Ghana teaching the Creation Series in Cape Coast Ghana. After coming back to America from Ghana in 2021, Daooeed lived in the woods for 1 year from 2022-2023 this was such a beautiful experience because it really grounded him from the Human Zoo back into nature. This is where he began to perfect meditation. Though the Clearing meditation was given to him in 2017 while teaching the Creation Series, body meditation was not revealed to him until 2021 while living in the woods including vocal sound meditation that will call the animals to meditate with him. In 2024 he was called again to share his knowledge with others and started 'Health Class 4U Inc. and is now sharing all of the "secrets" shared with him with others and watching their healing take place.
“This class was thorough and well organized. I really love the ability to communicate with our teacher and ask questions. It came with an entire book of information that we were able to go back to anytime. Ever since I took this class I have been more mindful about my liveit. This is everything you need if you are looking to change your lifestyle and need a boost. I highly recommend this course. “
“The class was so inspiring, I joined the Walk With Daooeed program, I am about to walk with Daooeed and this is going to take me to the next level and to the next journey of my life!”
“I just want to say thank you for inviting me to come, since I have been working with you, I have learned how to keep a good diet. I also enjoyed the massage and the food that was shared during this last class as well. I have moved from eating meat to eating mostly live in a relatively short time, and I am now recovering from cancer and have not had any high blood pressure spikes since I have been working with you.”
“This class was thorough and well organized. I really love the ability to communicate with our teacher and ask questions. It came with an entire book of information that we were able to go back to anytime. Ever since I took this class I have been more mindful about my liveit. This is everything you need if you are looking to change your lifestyle and need a boost. I highly recommend this course. “
“The class was so inspiring, I joined the Walk With Daooeed program, I am about to walk with Daooeed and this is going to take me to the next level and to the next journey of my life!”
“I just want to say thank you for inviting me to come, since I have been working with you, I have learned how to keep a good diet. I also enjoyed the massage and the food that was shared during this last class as well. I have moved from eating meat to eating mostly live in a relatively short time, and I am now recovering from cancer and have not had any high blood pressure spikes since I have been working with you.”
“Over the course of my childhood and early adolescence, I developed a hypersensitivity towards certain sounds my mother would make (clinically termed “misophonia”) wherein I would experience an overwhelming surge of inexplicable emotions that would be incredibly difficult to regulate or explain to others. I used to feel a painful dose of rage towards my mother at what anyone else may take to be insignificant, like the sound of her lips moving during prayer, or chewing noises as she was eating. This dynamic took so much control over my life that for 15 years, I couldn’t sit at the dinner table with my family anymore. After learning how to clear negative thought patterns and emotions through Daooeed’s “clearing meditation” technique, I was able to identify that this hypersensitivity I had developed in earlier years, was my subconscious mind compensating for suppressed anger from when I was unable to set healthy boundaries as a child and had allowed various aspects of my life and my personality to be overly dictated by my mother so as to keep her content. Even more ironic is the emotions tended to become overbearing when they were associated with an aspect of my life I allowed my mother to control – for instance, how and what I would eat (which in turn manifested as intolerance to eating noises she would make), and how I practiced the religion she desired for me to profess (intolerance to the sound of her lips at prayer.) Recognizing where the patterns originated from has allowed me to since take back control over where and how firmly I set boundaries with my mother, and how much I allow myself to express authentically without second thoughts of whether or not this can make her uncomfortable. Ironically this has been a catalyst in our relationship as it has allowed for more compassion and forgiveness than years of therapy and emotional outbursts ever have. This meditation technique has been a key that has since unlocked many doors and liberated me from many shackles in my life, and I am forever grateful to Daooeed for having taught me how to use it as a tool in my life. Really having many breakthroughs with my mom recently, it blows my mind how the body stores trauma and how it expresses it in ways that you can’t really make sense of until you start to do the inner work. Thank you Daooeed, I trust this little excerpt can help others recognize the value you have to share with the world it is truly priceless. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🤍”
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