Health Class
Book Package
Monthly Consultation
Monthly Mental Health Consultation
Monthly Meditation Consultations
Monthly ASMR Package
Monthly Massage
Water Fast Preparation
Your House 21 Day Water Fast
7 Day Refeeding
Health Video Repository
Health Class
Book Package
Weekly Consultation
Weekly Mental Health Consultation
Weekly Meditation Consultations
Weekly ASMR Package
Weekly Massage
Water Fast Preparation
Offsite 21 Day Water Fast Without Special Training
7 Day Refeeding
One with Nature® Retreat
Health Video Repository
Health Class
Book Package
Weekly Consultation
Weekly Mental Health Consultation
Weekly Meditation Consultations
Weekly ASMR Package
Weekly Massage
Water Fast Preparation
Offsite 21 Day Water Fast
With Special Training
7 Day Refeeding
One with Nature® Retreat
Health Video Repository
"It's not just about feeling better but feeling normal again like when you were a child" - Daooeed YisraEL
The class comes with a 50+ page booklet with all of the information in the class
Spouse and children under 18 are free! Welcome to our live Health Class! Both online and in person. You are able to attend 3 of our Health Classes during your 10-weeks. Our expert instructor will cover topics such as nutrition, exercise, mental health, and more. Whether you're looking to improve your overall well-being or just want to learn something new, this class is perfect for you. Don't miss out on this opportunity to prioritize your health and wellness.
What you will receive:
Two Day Health Class (topics listed below)
Free Massage (outside of your regular massages)
Free Meals
The Electronic form of my Book
Free Health and Wellness Consultation with Daooeed YisraEL
Topics include:
How to heal yourself
My Story
How I healed myself
How I lost 100 lbs in 6 mths
Your Physiology
How to Read Labels Correctly
Food vs. Drugs
Is it a Disease or Dis-ease
Body Meditation – How To
Why we eat
What would you eat if you were in alignment with nature
Your girth is the health indicator panel
They who eat less live longer
How to Ground
How to Colon Cleanse
How to Cleanse the Small Intestine
The importance of fasting
Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Solutions for Physical Crisis situations
The class comes with a 50+ page booklet with all of the information in the class.
Health Class - How To Heal Yourself - Daooeed YisraEL
Physical Immortality - Conquering Death - Ben Ammi Ben Israel
Medisin - The Medical Sins that are Killing the World - Dr. Scott Whitaker
The Joy of Living Live - A Raw Food Journey - Recipes and So Much More - Zakah
The Sunfood Diet Success System
Human Photosynthesis 101
According to which package you purchase you will either have 10 weekly or 3 monthly health consultations designed to make sure that you are on track for your 21 Day Water Fast.
These are extremely important consultations and we advise each client to take full advantage of each of these consultations. Weekly consultations are the most beneficial however; monthly consultations are sufficient.
Your initial consultation will be your introduction to Walk with Daooeed. We will perform an assessment and then develop a personalized meal plan for you to follow through the 10 week program designed to make sure that you are ready for your 21 Day Water Fast. We will also take your vitals and layout exactly what is needed during your Water Fast.
The following Consultations are designed to make sure that you are following the meal plan, the water fast preparation plan and that your vitals are ready for the water fast.
These consultations can be held in person or online. (your choice)
You will receive once per week mental health consultations or one per month mental health consultations over 10 weeks. This is not to determine whether you have a mental health condition or not. Whether you do or not we advise that you take advantage of these sessions. This will help you through any apprehensive feelings that you might have about water fasting.
Also you must recognize that Water Fasting is a spiritual process therefore as your prepare and as you go through the process there are going to be many things that are going to come up in your mind. This is the opportunity to have someone that has went through that process to help and walk you through those thoughts and make sure that you make the best choice available for your water fast.
Based on your Perfect Health Package you will receive either 10 weekly or 3 monthly meditation consultations. You can choose to either request personal sessions or join us for group sessions the choice is yours. These meditations will be focused on clearing the mind, releasing the past, and healing and coming back into the body.
You cannot do anything that the subconscious mind will not allow. The major issue that we find with those during their fasting is that they allow their present belief system and thoughts ingrained in their subconscious mind deter them from continuing with and finishing their fast. 99% of the time it is all in the mind.
Clearing your mind and dealing with those issues is something that most that are on their water fasting journey do not get an opportunity to do before they start fasting. These meditation consultations will continue as a group during the water fast and refeeding periods. These are such powerful sessions we advise all Water Fasters to take advantage of them.
What is ASMR?
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response; a term used to describe a tingling, static-like, or goosebumps sensation in response to specific triggering audio or visual stimuli.
ASMR stimulates and calms the nerves and allow the body to relax and induces must better rest. During your water fast we advise complete rest of all parts of the body including the eyes. You will receive our weekly or monthly ASMR Package. This will include the following modalities:
*Scalp Massage
*Scalp Scratching
*Back Scratching - Gentle to Aggressive (your choice)
*Electric Muscle Massage
and more...
You will receive either weekly or monthly ASMR experiences that will allow your body to come into complete rest and relaxation. This is very important for your Water Fasting Journey. Though all of our services during your preparation are optional, we advise that you take advantage of all of them to have the best Water Fasting experience.
Weekly Or Monthly Massage
Our certified massage therapists will give you professional massages every week or month based on your package throughout the entire 10 weeks including the water fasting and refeeding. These weekly massages are increased during the 21 day water fast for those that choose the offsite packages.
The following types of massages are available:
*Craniosacral Massage Therapy
*Shiatsu Massage
*Lymphatic Massage
Your House 21 Day Water Fast
Though we advise that you take advantage of an offsite fast due to the daily distractions at home it might not be possible for you to leave your home. In these cases you might have to do an at home water fast.
Though there are good results from this type of fast we have found that it is not as effective as the offsite water fast for various reasons.
During this water fast you will be able to join Daoeed's Daily Water Fasting Class through zoom also you will have to take your vitals daily and submit them to receive your daily report. Due to the fact that you are taking these vitals yourself they might not be as accurate as our team taking your daily vitals.
Since you are not onsite with us you must be disciplined enough to follow the instructions that you are given on a daily basis. As you go through your experience you will have the opportunity to call if you have any specific questions.
If you would like a one on one 21 Day Water Fast at your house outside of the time of our regular water fasting seasons that can be arranged at an additional cost.
You have made it. Everything else that you do before the water fast is either a band aid or preparation for a long term supervised water fast. As long as you follow instructions you will have the opportunity to receive the best healing that you have ever experienced in your life.
Rooted in truth that every organism on the planet is self-healing and self-cleansing water fasting is the best all natural way to heal your body. Allow yourself the opportunity to get away from all the stress of life and heal.
Rejuvenate Health
Optimal Health
Increase Telomere Length
Increase Eyesite
Significantly Lower Blood Pressure
Significantly Lower Glucose Levels
Skin Rejuvination
Regain Libido
Revers Erectile Dysfunction
Revers Alzheimers
Revers Dementia
Cardiovascular Disease
Congestive Heart Failure
Joint Pain
Weight Loss
Extend Life Span
Heart Disease
Massage Therapy
Maid Service
Clothes Washed
Private Room
Rooted in the truth that every organism on the planet is self-healing and self-cleansing water fasting is the best all natural way to heal your body. Allow yourself the opportunity to get away from all teh stress of life and heal.
We understand that fasting is nature's way of allowing your body to cleanse and heal itself, and that rest is paramount to the success of the process. We provide clean, quiet and comfortable surroundings that foster deep rest and introspection that allow for the true healing to occur.
Do you see your self as a Hoopty, Cadillac, BMW, or Bentley? If you see yourself as a Bentley as we do then water fasting is a must for you!
There is nothing more important than your health. Super charge your health and well-being while relaxing in your own peaceful, quiet, private space. Join the growing number of people that have become more aware that fasting is the best way to allow your body to detoxify and heal itself through the safest natural process.
We are dedicated to making your water fast as comfortable and easy as possible. The rooms are clean and comfortable with bathrooms in each suite. You will have a private room which is not shared. The length of stay is 28 days. You will probably want to spend the majority of your time resting quietly and meditating. You will also enjoy our daily classes which teach you so much about yourself and true health and healing.
Make It Happen
You can either heal or make excuses but you cannot do both. Find a way to join our water fast to have the best health that you have ever felt in your life. You receive the best spring water while fasting with us. When it is time to break your fast, we will help you transition back with 100% locally grown raw produce.
Everyday we monitor your vitals ensuring that you are safe while fasting with us. Therefore, you can relax knowing that you are in competent caring hands. You simply won't believe the difference a 21 day water fast will make in your life! Enjoy, relax and cleanse the natural way.
If you choose our package with special training you will have the opportunity to join our special training sessions headed by Loren Lockman. Not only that, you also will receive the blessing of having him help supervise your fast. He has supervised over 10,000 fasts and supervised my fast.
This is an extraordinary opportunity to take advantage of and will allow you to learn from the best Water Fasting instructor on the planet!
With this extra guidance you can rest assured that you will have the optimal water fasting experience that you can have. Also any complications that you are having he will be able to give a true understanding of what it is that you are going through.
After fasting we will slowly introduce you to the most amazing organic and non-GMO fruit, served daily and in increasing portions as the days go by. Coconuts, Watermelons, Papayas, Mangoes, Pineapples, Rambutan, Cherimoyas, different varieties of Bananas and more...
Refeeding is a very important part of the journey and is necessary in order for you to be able to realize all of the benefits of your water fasting journey. Your refeeding will continue for another 5 weeks at least and prayerfully you remain on the optimum liveit for the rest of your life.
As if the water fast is not enough! After your 6 Weeks of refeeding we come back together for up to 7 days for our One with Nature® Total Health Retreat.
This retreat is designed to make sure that one is and remains grounded with the Divine Universal Forces and helps one create a relationship with themselves, fauna and flora. Once you have truly cleared the body through water fasting this gives one an opportunity to really attach back to nature and move further away from the "human zoo".
The One With Nature® Total Health Retreat will allow you to create a renewed relationship with nature.
Thought the retreat is 7 days you can stay as many days as you would like of the seven days and feel free to leave at anytime.
Days of the event - F-TH
Day 1 - Arrival
Meet and greet - 3pm
Set up tents - 3pm - until
Eat dinner - 6pm - 8pm
Welcome Meeting and Rules - 8pm
Evening Meditation - 9pm
Day 2 - Fasting
WHO AND WHAT IS YAHWAH - Divine Universal Connection - noon
Meditation is the Gateway and Why - 2pm
Clearing Meditation - 4pm
Health Journey - 6pm
Connecting Meditation - 4:30pm 1.5 hours
Sun Gazing - 7pm
Grounding - 7pm
Eat Dinner - 9pm
Movie Night - 9pm
Day 3
Sungazing - 8am
Stretching - 8:30am
Trail Hike - 9am
Meditation - 11am
Lunch - Noon
Tai Chi - 1pm
Peace is the Way - 2pm
Understanding Water - 3pm
Water Fasting - 4pm
Breatharian Journey - 5pm
Eat Dinner - 6pm
Movie - Grounding
Day 4
Understanding Light
Understanding Creation
Understanding the Periodic Table
Understanding Fruit Healing
Sun Gazing
Understanding Vegetable Healing
Day 5 - Departure
Sun - Gazing
Free Gift
Take Down Tents
All meals are provided
You can bring your own tent or one is provided for you.
During your 10 week Perfect Package Health Journey you are also a member of our monthly Walk with Daooeed program. That means that you also receive all of the benefits of Walk with Daooeed including complete access of our video repository. All videos and replays of all Health Classes and related info are there as well as The Creation Series and Meditation Series.
It would be wise of you to watch all of the videos there before water fasting to really get a full understanding of health, how you created the situation you are in and how to rectify it. Second most important thing that you can do is educate yourself so that when you implement (which is most important) you understand what is going on within and without your body.
“This class was thorough and well organized. I really love the ability to communicate with our teacher and ask questions. It came with an entire book of information that we were able to go back to anytime. Ever since I took this class I have been more mindful about my liveit. This is everything you need if you are looking to change your lifestyle and need a boost. I highly recommend this course. “
“The class was so inspiring, I joined the Walk With Daooeed program, I am about to walk with Daooeed and this is going to take me to the next level and to the next journey of my life!”
“I just want to say thank you for inviting me to come, since I have been working with you, I have learned how to keep a good diet. I also enjoyed the massage and the food that was shared during this last class as well. I have moved from eating meat to eating mostly live in a relatively short time, and I am now recovering from cancer and have not had any high blood pressure spikes since I have been working with you.”
“This class was thorough and well organized. I really love the ability to communicate with our teacher and ask questions. It came with an entire book of information that we were able to go back to anytime. Ever since I took this class I have been more mindful about my liveit. This is everything you need if you are looking to change your lifestyle and need a boost. I highly recommend this course. “
“The class was so inspiring, I joined the Walk With Daooeed program, I am about to walk with Daooeed and this is going to take me to the next level and to the next journey of my life!”
“I just want to say thank you for inviting me to come, since I have been working with you, I have learned how to keep a good diet. I also enjoyed the massage and the food that was shared during this last class as well. I have moved from eating meat to eating mostly live in a relatively short time, and I am now recovering from cancer and have not had any high blood pressure spikes since I have been working with you.”
“Over the course of my childhood and early adolescence, I developed a hypersensitivity towards certain sounds my mother would make (clinically termed “misophonia”) wherein I would experience an overwhelming surge of inexplicable emotions that would be incredibly difficult to regulate or explain to others. I used to feel a painful dose of rage towards my mother at what anyone else may take to be insignificant, like the sound of her lips moving during prayer, or chewing noises as she was eating. This dynamic took so much control over my life that for 15 years, I couldn’t sit at the dinner table with my family anymore. After learning how to clear negative thought patterns and emotions through Daooeed’s “clearing meditation” technique, I was able to identify that this hypersensitivity I had developed in earlier years, was my subconscious mind compensating for suppressed anger from when I was unable to set healthy boundaries as a child and had allowed various aspects of my life and my personality to be overly dictated by my mother so as to keep her content. Even more ironic is the emotions tended to become overbearing when they were associated with an aspect of my life I allowed my mother to control – for instance, how and what I would eat (which in turn manifested as intolerance to eating noises she would make), and how I practiced the religion she desired for me to profess (intolerance to the sound of her lips at prayer.) Recognizing where the patterns originated from has allowed me to since take back control over where and how firmly I set boundaries with my mother, and how much I allow myself to express authentically without second thoughts of whether or not this can make her uncomfortable. Ironically this has been a catalyst in our relationship as it has allowed for more compassion and forgiveness than years of therapy and emotional outbursts ever have. This meditation technique has been a key that has since unlocked many doors and liberated me from many shackles in my life, and I am forever grateful to Daooeed for having taught me how to use it as a tool in my life. Really having many breakthroughs with my mom recently, it blows my mind how the body stores trauma and how it expresses it in ways that you can’t really make sense of until you start to do the inner work. Thank you Daooeed, I trust this little excerpt can help others recognize the value you have to share with the world it is truly priceless. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🤍”
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(888) 307-7471