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31 Day Vegan Journal and Meals Book


re you brand new to the Vegan or Vegetarian world or are you a novice? Whichever it may be, this book, the 31 Day Vegan Journal and Meals Book will help you on your way to better health and eating habits. Each day lists ideas/suggestions on what you could eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. These ideas can be used or built upon by your own palate likes or dislikes. Each meal idea can be easily prepared with items you may already have in your kitchen. You can even enjoy leftovers from some of the lunch and dinner meal suggestions. Even if you do not desire to remain a vegan or vegetarian for long time, you can still enjoy the benefits from eating healthier for 31 days once or twice a year. It will really do your body and health good! The journaling part of the book has space for you to jot down what you ate in a day for 31 days. With this journaling tool, you can monitor how well you are doing or detect when you are struggling with staying on the course. If you unfortunately fall off the diet, you simply dust yourself off and start over the next day. This book can be used over and over again and would make perfect gifts for health clubs, women's groups, church groups, schools and more. Anywhere there is a need for better health and nutrition, this book would fit the bill in helping individuals gain power over their eating choices, their lives and their health.

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